Saturday 17 February 2018

CYBER Blockchain Week 6: Confessions of a Bitcoin sceptic – TechnoLlama

Confessions of a Bitcoin sceptic – TechnoLlama: "While blockchain hype has been increasing, some scepticism started seeping in. Many projects that started out as blockchain ended up implementing different technologies, this is because institutions thinking of developing a blockchain face time constraints, barriers to adoption, and sheer complexity. More interestingly, of 26,000 blockchain projects listed in the open source repository GitHub in 2016, only 8% survive to this day.

 Perhaps the most scathing and interesting attack against blockchain hype has come from Kai Stinchcombe, who made a lot of waves by pointing out that in ten years the practical uses for the blockchain have been minimal, or even non-existent. While I disagree with the categorical statement, he does a good job of dissecting various case studies in favour of the blockchain, and finds them wanting.

Another fantastic critic of blockchain hype and Bitcoin in general is David Gerard, with his awesome book “Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain“." 'via Blog this'

1 comment:

John Henry said...

It is clearly an uplifting blockchain news for the blockchain news subordinate enterprises. As per the new bill go by the Arizona Senate as of late, the enterprises dynamic inside Arizona outskirts would now be able to hold and offer information on a blockchain law completely as it has been trailed by the marking of another demonstration of law by the U.S. state's senator