Monday, 20 February 2017

TALK: ‘The evolution of multi-stakeholder governance: the ICANN community’s experience in the IANA stewardship transition process’

Queen Mary, University of London, Friday 24 February, starting at 1700. 
(address: 67 - 69 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3JB)
Synopsis: This discussion will be illustrated by Jean-Jacques sharing his thoughts and experience on the recent process of transitioning the oversight of the so-called ‘IANA functions’, operated by ICANN, from the US Government to the global multi-stakeholder community. 
This global process, which concluded on 30 September 2016, involved hundreds of participants from across a range of stakeholder groups. Discussions touched on some of the larger questions in Internet Governance today, from the acceptance and legitimacy of the multi-stakeholder model, to accountability and good governance, the intersection of local and international laws and norms, and more.

The meeting is open to all, but for numbers/planning purposes please send email to if you are interested in attending.

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