Monday 5 March 2018

CYBER General monitoring of communications to block “undesirable” content - EDRi

General monitoring of communications to block “undesirable” content - EDRi: "Unfortunately, companies keep trying to sell snake oil tools to governments, such as a tool which, it is claimed, “can detect 94% of Isis propaganda with a 99.99% success rate in tests” – and politicians keep buying such impossible claims.

 Now the European Commission is proposing that precisely those tools are to be used by information society service providers to detect copyright-protected materials and “prevent” them from being made available on their sites.

Article 13 of the proposed Copyright Directive, effectively requires all information society service providers to use such tools (while disingenuously only “suggesting” this as an example of possible tools).

The truth is that for complex, context-dependent assessments, including in relation to copyright, such tools do not work, which means they are fundamentally unsuited for the claimed purpose" 'via Blog this'

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