Monday 16 April 2018

How should internet regulation be improved? Committee launches inquiry: UK Parliament

How should internet regulation be improved? Committee launches inquiry - News from Parliament - UK Parliament: "The Committee will explore how the regulation of the internet should be improved, and whether specific regulation is required or whether the existing law is adequate. The inquiry also investigates whether the online platforms have sufficient accountability and transparency, and whether they use fair and effective processes to moderate content.

 Over the course of the inquiry the Committee will hear evidence on what information online platforms should provide to consumers about the use of their personal data and what responsibility online platforms should have for the content that they host.

 The Committee seeks evidence on questions including:

 Is there a need to introduce specific regulation for the internet?

What should be the legal liability of online platforms for the content that they host?

How effective, fair and transparent are online platforms in moderating content that they host?

What role should users play in establishing and maintaining online community standards for content and behaviour?

What effect will the United Kingdom leaving the European Union on the Government’s regulation of the internet?" 'via Blog this'

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