Thursday, 9 August 2012

Communications Offences: Legal Guidance: Crown Prosecution Service

Communications Offences: Legal Guidance: The Crown Prosecution Service: "If a message sent is grossly offensive, indecent, obscene, menacing or false it is irrelevant whether it was received. The offence is one of sending, so it is committed when the sending takes place. The test for "grossly offensive" was stated by the House of Lords in DPP v Collins [2006] 1 WLR 2223 to be whether the message would cause gross offence to those to whom it relates (in that case ethnic minorities), who need not be the recipients. The case also said that it is justifiable under ECHR Article 10(2) to prosecute somebody who has used the public telecommunications system to leave racist messages." 'via Blog this
This needs re-writing in view of the Twitter joke trial Court of Appeal decision.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Communications Primer: Internet Archive

Communications Primer: Internet Archive: what you're studying in simple terms, a 1953 film calling on the insights of Claude Shannon 'via Blog this'

University of Essex : globally diverse

University of Essex :: Vice-Chancellor :: Professor Anthony Forster FHEA FRSA AcSS: "Essex is one of the world’s most internationally diverse campus universities, with 40 per cent of our students from outside the UK, representing 135 countries. We take pride in being globally recognised, being ranked 20th in the world for universities under 50 years old by the Times Higher Education (May, 2012)." 'via Blog this'

Saturday, 4 August 2012

French Socialists May Weaken, Instead of Kill, Piracy Law

French Socialists May Weaken, Instead of Kill, Piracy Law | World | "Does France’s trailblazing Internet antipiracy law risk death by a thousand cuts? That could well be the case in light of comments made on Thursday by Culture Minister AurĂ©lie Filippetti, in which she revealed plans to slash funding for the organization enforcing the law — one of the few surviving policy innovations of former conservative President Nicolas Sarkozy’s reign." 'via Blog this'