Friday, 1 February 2013

Entry trends to the law - The Law Society

Entry trends - The Law Society: "In 2009, 29,211 people applied to study law at undergraduate level in England and Wales. Out of these 19,882 (68.1 per cent) were accepted onto courses. Women made up 62.3 per cent of students accepted onto university law degree courses. Overseas students made up 16.2 per cent of those accepted.
Prior to embarking on the Legal Practice Course, or entering into a training contract, students must enrol with the SRA as student members. In the year up to 31 July 2010, 8,098 students enrolled with the SRA.
The Legal Practice Course is the next stage towards qualification as a solicitor. In 2010-11, there were 12,142 full time and 3,024 part time places available on the Legal Practice Course with 7,064 students enrolling in total.
The training contract is the final hurdle in becoming a solicitor. In the year ending 31 July 2011, 5,441 new traineeships were registered with the SRA.
Once the qualifying law degree, the Legal Practice Course and the training period have been completed successfully, application can be made to the Roll of solicitors of England and Wales, which entitles the applicant to practise as a solicitors. 8,402 individuals were admitted to the Roll in the year that ended 31 July 2011. By virtue of the Solicitors Act 1974 the Solicitors Regulation Authority is required to collect and maintain records of all qualified solicitors on the Roll. As at 31 July 2011 there were 159,524 solicitors on the Roll. 121,933 of the solicitors on the Roll in 2010 held current practising certificates:
So 30k at 17, 20k at 18, 8k at 21, 7k at 22, 5.4k at 23. About 1 in 4 who start an LLB actually get a training contract.  'via Blog this'

1 comment:

liama said...

Such a brilliant post about entry trends to the law. I am very happy to find these details here as I am also willing to take the entrance test. The LSAT Test Dates are out now and I am feeling very nervous as will have to take Feb test but I am not prepared at all.